What's Up in the Flagler District?
Full Calendar of Events (Facebook)
Portfolio of five commercial properties in downtown Miami hits market for $40 million (Herald 10.23.19)
Downtown Miami’s Historic Flagler Street Poised for Complete Overhaul (City of Miami 10.01.2019)
La calle más antigua de Miami se rejuvenece y quiere parecerse a Lincoln Road (el Nuevo Herald 10.01.2019)
Moishe Mana moves forward on Downtown Miami Flagler Common project (Herald 09.20.2019)
It's Time for the Next Chapter of Moishe Mana's Downtown Miami Plan. Will He Succeed? (Daily Busines Review 08.15.2019)
Funding in hand, Downtown Miami Flagler Street Project moves Forward (TheRealDeal 07.26.2019)
Plan to Remake Flagler Street follows New Road (Miami Today 04.09.19)
Year in Review: A View from Flagler Street (Downtown News 04.03.19)
Waiting for Mana. What does the mogul who owns half of Flagler Street have up his sleeve? (Herald. 03.25.19)
Old U.S. Post Office to be Converted into 5 Levels of Bars & Restaurants (The Next Miami 10.29.18)
Our Streets: A View from Flagler Street (Downtown News 09.10.18)
Billionaire Moishe Mana sets ambitious sights on turning Miami's Wynwood and Flagler Street into global trade, tech hubs
(Herald 11.15.17)
Already months behind, Flagler Street makeover on hold as city fires contractor (Herald 04.27.17)
Frustrated Downtown Miami businesses guaranteed oversight of flagging Flagler Street reconstruction (Herald 04.13.17)
As Downtown Miami’s Flagler Street makeover stalls, business suffers (Herald 02.23.17)
After two years of delay, retooling of downtown Miami’s Flagler Street finally begins (Herald 01.14.16)
What is a Business Improvement District (BID)
Upgrades on Flagler: Seeking a Business Improvement District (Miami Today)
What do BIDs do? What can BIDs do? (International Downtown Association)
A to Z of Business Improvement Districts (Project for Public Spaces)
Business Improvement Districts Are More Than Just a Name on a Trash Can (Next City)
Business Improvement Districts/BIDs (Wikpedia)
Current District Projects
How More Cities Are Trying to Better Manage Their Nighttime Economies (Route 50)
Historic Olympia Theater in for a Facelift (Miami Today)
Flagler District Opportunities
Can Craft Breweries Facilitate the Revitalization of Your City? (Redevelopment Management Associates)
Streets as Places: A Way to Fully Complete Streets. (Project for Public Spaces)