During Agenda Review at the City Commission meeting, the proposed amendments to Chapter 4: Alcoholic Beverages item was deferred to the September 14th Commission Meeting. CBD stakeholders will continue to meet with P&Z staff and City Commissioners to craft a version of the amendments that we can support. Thanks to all for the emails and phone calls. Despite all appearances, it seems we're actually making progress. Let us know if we can provide further information.
After months of "back and forth" discussion, we seem to be back where we started. This has become so frustrating that responsiveness of City staff was the subject of discussion in a recent Miami Today article - July 06, 2017.
Downtown Stakeholders should be concerned that the proposed changes will:
Mark your calendars for Thursday, July 27th. We still want to support zoning changes that preserve existing regulations in the CBD, but we may just need to storm City Hall and declare that "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Please stay tuned and contact us if we can provide further information. City Commission Meeting: Thursday, June 22
Just after 3pm, Commissioner Gort moved for deferral of FR.3 Alcoholic Beverages. There was discussion at the dais, including direction from Commissioner Russell to P&Z Staff to work out the details and bring it back for First Reading on July 13. This is as we requested, so it was a long day but small victory.Given that there are three weeks before July 13, hopefully we will have an opportunity to refine the draft forwarded to us by P&Z Director Francisco Garcia on Tuesday night and rally SUPPORT for the initiative next month.Please contact us if we can provide further information. Review the DRAFT BID Organization Plan
THANKS to all those who attended the Business Improvement District (BID) Meetings on June 14. Great turnout and discussion during our public introduction of the DRAFT Plan for a Flagler BID on Wednesday at MCAD. Business owners, property owners, and residents were well represented. Contact us at [email protected] or 305-379-7070 if we can provide further information. |
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August 2017
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